Thursday, May 31, 2007


I seem to find myself getting sick at situations when it's just not fun to be sick. For example, when I have a test at school that I really can't miss. Or when I have to drive in to work to open up the shop because no one else is coming in till 10:30 and we'll lose two hours of business. Or when it's Christmas Day (that's happened to me four times actually in my life - no joke). Oh, and this is my personal favourite of really annoying and frustrating times to be sick - three days before my wedding, right when my family and my fiance's family and all our friends were flying halfway across the world to be with us. That was a great moment to be sick (sense strong tone of sarcasm). And now again I am sick, when I am here to be with family and to hang out with my niece and nephew. And also two days before I'm to travel back to Colorado, and you just really don't want to be sick when you're travelling.

But I do sense a lessening in my sickness today. It might be because of all the Master Tonic (intense anti-sickness potion made of natural products, such as onions, peppers, garlic, etc.) I chugged down yesterday. So hopefully by tomorrow, I will be less sick and can enjoy my plane journey with no achiness and sore throat (or I'll just pump myself full of ibuprofen!).

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you were feeling sick. Hope all is better now and that you and John had a fun weekend! What ever happened with your test?


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