These pictures, to me, are quintessentially autumn in Redding (well, except this last autumn was very dry, which is pretty rare here). We had 63F weather almost every day, hence the lack of coats and hats in these pictures (and Sophie is barefoot in one photo!). Our beautiful trees in our front yard dumped their leaves in almost one day, I think it had frosted that night, and we spent lots of time outside, enjoying the weather, letting Sophie explore and get lots better at walking (she started walking mid-September).
Despite our move into a more rural area of town (not really my cup of tea), I'm really beginning to appreciate our quiet street and large yard, so Sophie can explore and run around. All the neighbours drive slow and I don't have to worry about constantly watching for cars racing around the corner. As we head quickly into spring (winter was also oddly dry and short, all our bulbs are sprouting - we're back in 60s weather again, and I hear we're hitting 68F tomorrow), I thought I'd look back real quick on this lovely autumn we've just enjoyed (or, fall, for all y'all Americans out there).
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