Monday, June 20, 2011

Milestones and Milestones

One thing that I never thought about while getting ready to have a baby was how fun each and every milestone would be! And how quickly they all start to happen. How exciting it is when Sophie first reaches out and grabs something. And how proud we are when she first starts to pull herself up. Every new little thing she does just amazes me, as I see her becoming more and more mobile, and active, and interactive. I love that I get to see all these things with her every day.

Sophie is 9 months today. It is so hard to believe that 9 months ago (minus 9 hours or so), I gave birth to this beautiful baby girl. I can't believe she is 3 months shy of her 1st birthday. As everyone warned me, it really does go by so fast once you have kids!

Her recent milestones (from the last week or so):

- clapping her hands
- shaking her head "no"
- pulling herself up to standing
- crawling
- sleeping through the night (from 7pm-7am). It is amazing to no longer have a night feed!
- sitting herself up from a lying down position
- saying "dadada" and "nenene" constantly. She was saying "mamamama", but hasn't done that as much lately!
- first big girl bath-time

Since I started writing this post, we have come to the conclusion that she may be cutting a tooth today. We'll see! It feels like she's been teething for months now but it may finally be coming through.

And lastly, we went to the lake yesterday to celebrate Father's Day, and Sophie had so much fun being walked around in the freezing water. She's definitely a sweet little water-baby!

Here are some pix from the last few days of milestones and from our Father's Day yesterday at breakfast and up at the lake:

IMG_0844   IMG_0893   IMG_0814
IMG_1067   IMG_1029   IMG_1059

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