She's been such a trooper, but we're ready to have our baby Sophie back. She's just not as smiley as normal and is much more sensitive and fussy. She also got a rash on both her cheeks and a super gross runny nose. :( She's still giving us smiles and giggles, just not as many as our usually happy and easy-going Sophie normally give us. On the plus side she's even more cuddly, which is really fun.
We ran into somebody last week who told us that his kid got 12 teeth all at once, and that they actually liked it that way because it meant that the teething was all concentrated into one short space of time, instead of spread out over ages. Since then, I've had two dreams that Sophie's woken with multiple teeth showing in her mouth. Some have been all the way out, like they just grew all the way out over night, and others have been just starting to show. For some reason though, they have always been full grown adult teeth. So weird. It does look like potentially there are a few pushing through, so we'll see (definitely the bottom two as they're nice and swollen).
We've finally been able to get her back on her nights again after traveling and the intense teething last week. Last night she slept all the way through until 5:30, which she hasn't done in a while and it was nice to see that maybe the craziness has subsided somewhat (we had a night last week where she woke up every 5-15 minutes until about 4 in the morning - that was one crazy night).
Anyway, all that to say, teething is no fun, and seems to last forever (until they're two?). Still waiting to see those little white teeth peeking out through her gums.
I was able to snap some pix of her little teething expressions:
Mummy, my bottom gum feels weird:
I can feel something there with my tongue:
It hurts :(
But I'll still smile at ya:
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