Monday, March 28, 2011

Sophie's First Hair Cut

Sophie was born with a super cute full head of dark hair (see pix of her here at 6 weeks: Introducing ... Sophie Burtness). 6 months on, she's losing the hair at the top of her head and the top part of her sides, has a bald spot from lying on her back and was growing the nicest little baby mullet... up until last week. I decided that it was time for the baby mullet to go. My friend, Tabitha, took pictures on our camera while John held Sophie and I chopped off some of her hair for the first time. She did really well, even though she moved her head the entire time, and I only did one tiny mistake that probably only I can see. It was fun! I've been looking forward to having a daughter so that I can cut her hair; I just didn't think that I would be cutting it this early.

She's continuing to lose the hair from the top of her head, and John and I are both curious to see what her new hair will be when it grows in. Stay posted, right? The great thing is that she still looks totally adorable and cute even with the old man balding look, and losing the mullet definitely helps too!

You can see a little bit of the mullet here:

She did really well:

Some of the end result:

And of course, we kept the hair we cut and put it in an envelope:

1 comment:

  1. Rachael05:36

    Fun!! I think it will come back in blonde like you and John. I had hair when I was born but at some point, during one of my baths, it washed down the drain and I was bald till 2. Then it came in super blonde and curly.
    Her little hair patches are so cute!


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