Saturday, February 19, 2011


On Thursday afternoon, I successfully won an auction for a 5D. I was pretty buzzed. In the end, John and I were at the mall shopping for our niece's birthday, and we were able to put in a bid using my iPhone ebay app (love my iPhone). I was so happy to see that I had won. We got home and I promptly paid and am now anxiously waiting it's arrival in the mail. I also went ahead and ordered my first Canon lens. I can't wait to start taking photos with it next week.

I have a whole bunch of ideas to blog about, but our router is busted and has completely killed our upload capabilities so I can't upload any photos until it's fixed, which basically kills anything I might want to do on my blog or on my facebook page! Oh well. I feel like we're back in the dial-up modem ages and everything is taking years to load.

So I've been doing what I can do, which is to revamp my blog and add a flickr side-bar which will post my newly uploaded flickr photos. Check it out to the right.

Just did a mini-shoot this morning with my cutsie niece, Isabelle, and am excited to upload those photos too. Stay posted....

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