Sunday, February 14, 2010

Photography Class

I've been working on developing a photography business for the last 6 months. I've had four shoots in total (two paid, two for free), and I have one tomorrow and I just booked my first official wedding shoot. I've been struggling with my lack of technical knowledge, as well as editing knowledge, and feel like I just needed to figure these things out before I could get to the level where I want to be.

I am currently a part of a 5 week photography course at the School of Ministry of which John and I are a part and we did some studio shots last week. While waiting for my turn, a few of us went outside and practiced on each other as well as on some kids that had been brought along specifically for us to practice.

I enjoyed the shoots, and was excited to see the final product. I had fun editing and I think I've come up with my best work so far! I'm so excited to see that somehow I've improved and gotten closer to a level that I've been wanting to for a while!

Here are my favs:


  1. Looks good Marie. I like the new, fresh look. Seems like that's going around. The photos are great too.

  2. Thanks - I figured it needed some updating and revamping. :) I was inspired!

  3. David S23:14

    Marie who is the guy in the top photo??? I swear I totally know him from YWAM Kona. Is he German?


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