11th Dec - I got approved for a Green Card (we returned from Christmas holiday to find it in th email). That was a nice load off our backs and amazingly the process only took 6 months!
16th Dec - John & I celebrated our one year anniversary, and we can't quite believe it's already been a year. Where has it gone? We celebrated first by a wonderful weekend in the mountains snowboarding, and on the day itself going to a lovely Italian restaurant.
21st Dec-1st Jan - we spent Christmas and New Year over with family in Chicago and Indiana. We had so much fun and are now quite sad because we miss everyone so much and our apartment is so quiet. We miss the little patter of our nieces' and nephews' feet!
3rd-6th Jan - I spent four days in L.A. hanging out with my dear friend Jeanette Peterson (we've known each other for 25 years - since 1985). John joined over the weekend for the wedding. She got married to a wonderful South African on Saturday 5th Jan. It was really special for John and I to be there.
7th January - John officially quit his job. After much prayer and listening to God, we both felt that John should quit his job. He doesn't have another one lined up, but we feel at peace and are trusting God for his provision for another and better job for him here in Fort Collins (please join us in prayer...)
Now we have the next few months of an interesting financial situation to look forward to, and fortunately no trips we have to make - we are tired after the last few weeks of travel. I am going to continue with Starbucks for this month and see if my hours increase (so far it looks things are better) and I'm continuing to look for another part-time job with flexible hours. I also am contemplating going to the local college, rather than my correspondence course with UNISA. It would be nice to have interaction with students and professors!
Well I think that's everything - this is obviously more of an update blog!
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