I got stung by a wasp the other day. And the stupidity of it was that it was at the exact same place that my friend got stung by a wasp the week before. It latched onto my foot and would not let go. I hobbled inside, limping, grabbing ice to sooth the pain. This was two days ago. Now my foot looks like this...

Now I'm in bed, keeping off it and constantly having ice on it, because it burns and hurts so bad. Not fun. But hopefully the swelling will go down soon.
Ouch!!! That sucks! That is definitely swollen. Is there some sort of wasp plague there in the land of milk and honey?
ReplyDeletemarie you make me laugh haha that is a SERIOUS sting , ive never seen a foot swell like that .. It reminds me of the time a bee wraped itself around emmi's thumb while eating a pineapple and that thing was vicious . poor thing .. her hand swelled up really bad too . but anyways i pray it goes down for ya and the pain stops!
ReplyDeletemiss ya guys
(its beth by the way)
how is your foot today?