I am connecting more with students! We had our small group yesterday and it went well, as far as I could see. It was more just hanging out together and getting to know each other a bit. I'm excited for more times together. I also led a Bible reading/study time last night that seemed to go really well too, which is very cool. I felt like God was leading me throughout the whole prep process, which was exciting.
I'm kinda tired today though, and frustrated with some of the things that are going with the school - things that we can not really control, because they come under the base and the DTS departmental leadership peeps. It makes me not want to stay here after the school is over (one of the things we're praying through). I just don't know if I'm suited to the big base thing. I feel like smaller ones allow for so much more accountability and friendship as well as cutting down on dumb policies.
OH, and I am so torn with this whole outreach decision. Should I stay or should I go now...? I so wanna come back to the mainland and be with my brother's families as they receive their new babies. But, then I would so love to go to Tokyo for 2 months with a group of our students (who are just great, btw). Lord, help us make this decision!
I'm so glad small groups went well...how could they not with such a great small group leader?!?! Bummer about big organization stuff...frustrating. We'll be praying that you know the right thing about outreach. Cute pic in post before...like the flags. Love you!