This is picture is of John and I on a relaxing Saturday last week before the school started. We went up to the fancy Hilton with some friends and enjoyed snorkelling on the beach, watching the dolphins (owned by the hotel) and going on the little boat that takes you around the ginormous hotel. We kept looking out for Paris & Nicky, but they weren't there.
We're back from the wedding after some crazy flying. It was a lot of fun and also a bit crazy. We were a bit knackered, spending our 2 year anniversary (3rd July) at Midway Airport and later, on three planes. It's good to be back though and starting to connect a litte bit more with students. I'm finding the largeness of the base a bit hard, as it spreads us out a school a lot more, but I'm sure it'll just take a bit more time to connect with them.
And God is moving. He is speaking to me about insecurities and doubts, concerns about where I'm headed and why I'm back in DTS again, when I wasn't super into it in the first place. We had a great teaching this morning from Darlene Cunningham (wife of the founder of YWAM) that just spoke to me. It had lots of good stuff feeding my soul and answering some of those questions that often reverberate around my brain. Good to hear from God again.
Oh, and John and I found a great couple to do couple's counseling with. They're really excited and are really wanting to commit a good amount of time to us, which is great, as they are generally very busy people.
All in all, things are going great!