Yes, we have arrived after around 48 hours of travel (with a stop in Urbana to sleep and repack somewhat) and now we are here. And it is really nice. I have to admit I was a bit concerned with the whole huge YWAM base thing again after an interesting experience these past few years, but in meeting our DTS leader and in wandering around, I think John and I are going to have an amazing time. We are already arguing way less, which means we are starting to relax!
I feel like this will be a good summer for me and for us. I feel like there is a lot of opportunity for us in our relationship, for discipleship, for connecting with people, and for future options. God is continuing to build peace in my heart and I am really wanting to use this time to relax more and enjoy life more. The last few weeks, I have been "processing" somewhat (I put processing in speechmarks because I don't really know what processing means) this last year at Taylor and realising how hard it actually was and how much I really just did not enjoy being there. But, the plus side of that is that, during this year, I learnt to enjoy life more even though it was not necessarily enjoyable. I was able to have a more positive outlook, and not get so caught up in how crap my life is.
I feel good about being here and being with John and where we're headed and what this summer will be like for us. And, bloody hell, I'm in Hawaii!
hurray!! you're in hawaii!! even though this last year had to be so hard for you, i'm so glad i got the chance to get to know you and enjoy your crazy friendship! and you guys will have a BALL this summer i'm so jealous!!! ahH!