We've been here now for just over five weeks, and we have about five weeks left. I've been enjoying my time here, but California is most definitely our home and I'm excited to go back. It's been interesting being back after 5 years and seeing beauty here where I hadn't seen it before. We've enjoyed going on walks and seeing the rolling hills in the countryside, the beautiful brick buildings, and pretty wild flowers. We also had a lot of fun in the hustle and bustle of London, and unfortunately were only able to get a few night shots (though I'm excited to do a day down there and have more fun taking pictures).
The thing that has helped make our transitions here so smooth is our dear, sweet girl, Sophie. She really has adjusted well to each new place (we spent four nights in a row in different houses a couple of weeks ago), and seems to do well making the most of what is there for her to play with. She's been napping and sleeping well and bringing smiles to us all. (Of course, we're having some temper tantrums too, pushing of boundaries, and, of course, the teething, but she's really just been quite sweet most of the time.)
Here are a few pix of our time here: