Today, I want to celebrate my husband, John Burtness. Fours years ago, today, we were married in Kona, HI. It was an amazing day, beyond my wildest dreams and expectations. We have had four wonderful years together since then and I have felt so often how lucky I am to have such an amazing husband.
He is a wonderful and involved father and I love how much he loves Sophie. He is so excited to spend time with her and is willing to give her the world. He loves being involved in parenting her and is so happy to be working from home so that he can be with her throughout the day.
He is such a caring and loving husband to me. I appreciate how much he has grown while we have worked on our relationship together and how much he loves and honours me as his wife. He was an amazing support to me during labour and I honestly couldn't imagine life without him. He is my best friend, is a great listener and he champions me so much!
I love his engineer mind, how he can fix almost anything, how much of a hard worker he is, and how entrepreneurial he has become lately. I've been impressed with his self-discipline to sit down and get work done at home when there are so many distractions.
All that to say... I LOVE my husband! Here are some wonderful pix of him and the wonderful memories I have of us together since we first got married.
Our beautiful wedding day:
Hanging out at the MOMA on our New York City vacation in May 2009:
Helping me prep for a photo shoot by posing for some shots for me back in Fort Collins, CO:
Testing a satellite for his college on the vomit-comet - anti-gravity flight!
Snowboarding together at Copper Mountain, CO:
Being gorgeous as ever while visiting friends, in Victoria, Canada:
Isn't he handsome?
So excited for baby Sophie's arrival!
Such a lovely and caring daddy to Sophie.