One of my favourite things to capture is people. Ever since I started taking photographs, it's what I've enjoyed the most. And candids are my top, top favourite. And I think candids of kids are up there too.
While in Tahiti, I snapped these shots of these amazing people.
Damali has the most gorgeous skin and her favourite colour is purple. She stopped to watch the fish descaling and de-gutting and I loved the purple of her pareo (Tahitian for sarong) and the darkness of her skin set against the gorgeous blue of the ocean behind her.
Tony is half Kiwi, half Maori and has the coolest tattoos on his forearms and legs. As I snapped this shot, I accidentally focused on his arm instead of his face. I've found that some of my accidental shots are the best, and I love this one. I like how it really focuses on his Maori culture.
This is Don, the father of the group and the ultimate joker. He was sick almost the entire two weeks we were there and yet he had the best sense of humour. As I tried to snap a shot of him, he saw me and stuck out his tongue. Yep, that's Don!