My sis-in-law did one of these in her blog and asked others to do the same! Was bored in class, so here goes:
1. where is your cell phone: On the chair next to me – now that I have an iPhone, I keep it as close to me as possible – it has so many uses to it!
2. your hair: Long, layered, bangs, dyed dark brown. I like keeping it long right now, so I have fun with bangs and colours!
3. your father: Claude Bonjour, been with me through a lot, very supportive!
4. your favorite food: Love curry and seafood
5. your dream from last night: Yikes, I dream pretty vividly every night so they end up merging together and it’s hard for me to remember sometimes.
6. your favorite drink: I love caramel macchiatos, Earl Grey cup of tea, but as far as alcoholic, I like anything with gin.
7. Your dream/goal: Living in Europe, in a city, with family close by, a few kids, doing lots of outreach, and being involved in local community, working with YWAM, doing photography and leading worship.
8. what room are you in: The sanctuary at Bethel Church – yes I’m doing this in class…
9. what is your hobby: Currently photography and working to develop it more. Recently getting into sewing, and hoping to have more time to do it. Love snowboarding, going to cities and reading.
10. what is your fear: I have many, but I think I mostly fear loneliness.
11. where do you want to be in 6 years: See question no. 7.
12. where were you last night: Dinner at Sam and Beth’s (bro & sis-in-law), then home with John & a redbox. Nice and relaxing evening.
13. something you are not: a man, in my 20s, late,
14. muffins: I’d rather have chocolate.
15. wish list items: MacBook Air, hubcaps for our car, $3000 camera for my photography business!
16. where did you grow up: Staplefield, Harpenden and Luton, Engand.
17. last thing you did: Worked this morning, had lunch (made by John), had mocha (made at home), drove to class, submitted payment to school and found seats.
18. what are you wearing: Jeans and H&M jumper – want to be cozy today!
19. your tv: Huge and ugly – want to sell it, but it is nice to watch movies on! We don’t have tv though, but watch tv online.
20. your pets: Zilch – John’s allergic to cats and we just moved and we rent a pet-free apartment!
21. your friends: making lots of new ones out in Cali and love ‘em! Missing the ones I left behind in Colorado – loving the ones that have been friends through the long years!
22. your life: Enjoying it right now – it’s always a bit too busy than I like, so I’m learning to relax and let some things go.
23. your mood: Right now, good, pretty even, am slightly frustrated at my contacts that are irritating me right now!
24. missing someone: Madison Bonjours, all over the world Burtnesses, and friends we left behind in CO.
25. vehicle: VW Golf 2000, Black, 3 hubcaps missing, lots of little dings given to us by other people (grrr). Love it, great gas mileage – we’ve put 51’000 miles on it since we got it 2 years ago!
26. something you're not wearing: Underwear. Just kidding, um a hat.
27. your favorite store: H&M for clothes, Ikea for furniture, and Trader Joes for groceries.
28. your favorite color: Green
29. when’s the last time you laughed: Probably last night while watching stupid movie.
30. when’s the last time you cried: Last night while watching stupid movie – since my mum died, I cry all the time at anything. Can’t stop it!
31. your best friend: Other than John, probably Kelly – we have lots of history and know lots about each other. She’s walked with me through a lot of stuff in my life.
32. one place you go over and over: Currently – Bethel Church (6 times a week at least!), also Sam and Beth's house.
33. one person who emails me regularly: Probably my dad, I facebook a lot of people now!
34. Favorite place to eat: Chipotle is always a favourite!