First blog will be a nod to our recent purchase of a new DSLR, thanks to some lovely Christmas money. John and I have been wanting a DSLR for a long time, with both of us being interested in amateur photography, and myself having had a lot of fun playing with my mum's old Yashica (a sweet SLR that was older than my older brother) that she gave me. This camera sadly got destroyed after being dunked in the Indian Ocean in Thailand.
We'd been eyeing this one Sony camera at Best Buy for a few months now, having tried it out, and liked what we'd seen. So, when this extra cash presented itself, we thought we'd put most of it toward debt, and some of it towards an extra Christmas present for ourselves.
It just so happened that Best Buy was doing a special deal on this camera. They were giving away an extra lens (75-300mm) with the camera for $50 instead of $230. We couldn't pass it up and bought the camera on Saturday.
(These pix were taken with our point-and-shoot, Nikon S610, which we also love.)
In their boxes:

The whole setup:


John demonstrating our sweet lens: