Saturday, September 06, 2008

sickness, bones and the disappearance of time

Right now, life seems to consist of John and I alternating in getting sick. He's sick first a few weekends in a row, then I get sick, and then neither of us are sick, and then I get sick again. Not fun. Not good.

We also got hooked into Bones by our friend Katie Yauk, and it is quite good. Quite interesting. Check it out... It's about a forensic anthropologist partnering with the FBI to solve crimes. For a brief second, when I was looking at universities and degrees, I briefly thought about Criminology. I think it would be interesting to be able to solve crimes and find out who did it, merely by looking at the evidence. But also quite disturbing.

Time, time, time where are you going? It seems like I am living through a shortage of time right now. And that time just escapes me. It could be because I've gone from a part-time job to a full-time job, am taking a class online (Astronomy - also interesting), am now a consultant with Arbonne, am in the softball team at work and am in a small group with our church, the Vineyard. Too many things, not enough time... But life is going well and busy-ness is always better than the opposite.
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